We met up with our friend Eva near SM North Edsa on our 2nd day in Manila. She knows how to get to Avilon Zoo and so she came along with us.

We got an FX ride to Cubao then took a jeepney towards San Isidro Montalban, Rizal and finally a tricycle ride that went directly to Avilon Zoo. Spent more or less a total of P60/pax for the fare and around P200/pax for the entrance fee.

When you get through the huge green gate of Avilon Zoo, it brings you to the homes of different kinds of animals categorized according to the department/specie they belong. You can hire a tour guide at an additional fee. But we simply just wanted to stroll around, so we didn't hire any. As you walk farther, a large pond in one corner is set to where the Pride rock of the King of the Jungle can be found. However I only saw one lioness lying asleep from the bushes.

Moving forward, tigers, hyenas, jaguars, and other wide animals that belong to the cat family are caught in the cages.

Next to it is the Primate area where monkeys, orangutans are found.

Other areas in the zoo are homes of  the reptiles and amphibians too-- snakes, crocodiles, turtles, lizards, etc.

You may also wonder why most of the species in the zoo are birds-- that is because Avilon means "Land of the Birds". Among these are the parrots,  toucans, eagles and other colorful birds too.

Avilon zoo does not only have wild animals around but tamed animals too and were considered as pets. And there we met our newly found friend-- Trixie, the baby orangutan. With the scent of baby cologne, I find it cute and adorable and it smiles at you all the time.


At one corner stood a guy with a yellow snake around his neck. I've known it's harmless and benign so I wasn't scared of it.  The staff allows you to touch it but the tail.

There's also a pony and a colorful parrot at the other side and finally, a white wolf in which if  you look at it even from afar is just like an ordinary dog.

I like the zoo since it's very well-maintained, clean and indeed a cool place for educational and field trips too but I'm still expecting much from it in terms of more animals in the future. Well, good news is the staff guaranteed us that they're in the process of adding giraffes and zebras soon. I took their word and will be back to check one of these days. ☻

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